Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2009 Medical Bills begin...

So my hope for a medical bill free year is already up in smokes just 13 days into the new year! Grrrrr. Today I made my anual trip to the OB, and sinse I have had Sam I have been having Really bad pains. Today, the doc has come to the conclusion that I have Endometriosis, something I have been blessed to genetically recieve from my mom. In the next 2 days I should be hearing from my Doc, to schedule a date for surgery. First we try a laperscopic surgery to go in and burn out the endometriosis and the uterin walls... and if that doesn't subside my pain by August or Sept. I will be going in for a Hysterectamy. Yes that's right, I will be 26 years old, and having to say so long to my female annatomy!!!! How scarey! I will keep posted on how this all pans out, but DAMN!!!


Lewis Family said...

I'm so sorry. That's way scary. Wade's wife Theresa has that. Hopefully you won't end up having a hysterectomy. I want more kids out of you two!

Jessica T. said...

LOL... well, I feel so bad for Billy. He had a vasectamy in August. Financially we just can't afford another, and now I feel so bad cause his pain just may have been able to be avoided. OOPS!... I just never thought that at 25, I would ever have to deal with this. Poor Billy...

Jessica said...

Oh hunny I am so sorry i have endometrosis as well I had a laporscopy last year in january and my pain was back just a few short months later I have been back to my doc and he said he will do one more surgery or I can try birth control or lupron shots but ultimatly it will end up being a hysterctomy. it sucks but I totally know what your going through!