Just about 3 minutes ago I walked into my front room to peek out the window at the kids playing outside. Much to my surprise there they both stood out at the window. Sam with a spray bottle in hand and Brenna with a wash cloth. Together they stood washing my big front windows. Their conversation went like this, Brenna: "This is a great thing to do for Mom, Good thinking Sam." Sam: "Yeah Sissy, we love our mom huh." Tried to snap a pic, but hey caught me...
Had to run in hear and write about it so I could remember exactly how this moment made me feel. As a mother who spends every day and night tending to the needs of everyone else, this moment gave me a sense of pride. I know that all the hard work and efforts to teach my children right from wrong, good from bad, and what responsibility is has not gone to waste. I have some pretty damn amazing children, and I am so so so happy to be their Mommy! My heart is full at this very moment, and I couldn't imagine life without them.