Saturday, November 6, 2010

Someone's got a boo boo....

Bill came and grabbed me this morning and drug me to the hallway... To point this out...

You may be wondering exactly what this is, well it is a green camo bandaid stuck to my wall. Hm okay... Well go to remove the bandaid and this is what you see...

One of the kids put a ding in the wall, and my guess is that it was Sam. Since he is the one who took the initiative of repairing the ding. Bill says, "Sam, did you put the bandaid on the wall?" Sam: "Oh yeah, I was fixing its boo boo." Kids are just so wonderful!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A moment of pride...

Just about 3 minutes ago I walked into my front room to peek out the window at the kids playing outside. Much to my surprise there they both stood out at the window. Sam with a spray bottle in hand and Brenna with a wash cloth. Together they stood washing my big front windows. Their conversation went like this, Brenna: "This is a great thing to do for Mom, Good thinking Sam." Sam: "Yeah Sissy, we love our mom huh." Tried to snap a pic, but hey caught me...

Had to run in hear and write about it so I could remember exactly how this moment made me feel. As a mother who spends every day and night tending to the needs of everyone else, this moment gave me a sense of pride. I know that all the hard work and efforts to teach my children right from wrong, good from bad, and what responsibility is has not gone to waste. I have some pretty damn amazing children, and I am so so so happy to be their Mommy! My heart is full at this very moment, and I couldn't imagine life without them.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Today as Brenna and I sat in the car waiting for Sam to get out of school we were playing with a feather (courtesy of Aunt Kel's costume). I started tickling her cute little nose with the feather and she did this...

She did this same little scruntchy nosed grin as she used to do when she was a baby. I stopped what I was doing, scooped her up in my arms, and kissed her little cheeks. Oh how I loved that little grin, it would brighten my days. So so so glad that she still has it, and though she doesn't show it too often, I will forever cherish it!