Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcoming a New Year... DREAM BIG IN 2013

I'm not one to really celebrate the coming of a new year, 
Nor am I one to set new years resolutions.  
I feel that with every resolution comes a failure... I mean really how many people out there make a resolution and actually stick to it?  I can only speak for myself, but in the years that I did attempt to make a new years resolution I NEVER STUCK WITH IT! Alas, I opted to not make them ever again.
 The coming of 
is different for me.  I'm not going against my original plan to not make resolutions, but I feel that this year brings with it SO much opportunity for great things to happen in my world so I have decided to set some goals instead.  
Goals I can handle, it's not a resolution, it's simply something to work toward without the HAVE TO ACHIEVE attached to it.
Get what I'm saying?

My goals are as follows:
and in no particular order 
(it looks a bit overwhelming to me, but I know it's possible)

1. Exercise/Get Fit/Get Healthy
2. Continue on my spiritual journey
3. Photo-A-Day for the ENTIRE YEAR
4. Get better at blogging/documenting our life
5. Start photo books/memory books
6. Start a personal journal
7. Start Mama and Me journals (writing letters back and forth between the kids and I)
8. Buy a new camera
9. Take my little family to NY to meet my family
10. Disneyland
11. Get back in school (my break is long over)
12. Paint/re-decorate my bedroom.
13. Buy a DSLR
14. Take a photography class
15. Take more home videos
16. Post a life as I remember posts to my blog twice a month
17. Visit Shauna in Island Park (see Yellowstone while there)
18. Volunteer as a family for a good cause
19.  Go on dates with my husband
20. Get up to 10,000 all time views on my blog
21. Get over my fear of guns
22. Obtain a concealed weapons permit
23. Put together a designated "work" area for myself in my house instead of just my bedside.

This list, because it is just goals, is subject to change. 
I don't feel that I necessarily have to achieve all these goals in this next year, but I want to commit to at least take necessary steps to get closer to achieving them. 
Am I going to beat myself up if I don't cross all these off my list in 2013?  No.  It really is a lot to achieve and one person can only do so much.  
I think I'll hold off on the exercise thing for another couple months until all those resolution people fall off the get fit bandwagon making more room for myself to use the equipment at the local Rec Center.
I'm mean I know, but I just don't like crowds too much. 

 On another note, 2013 is also the year that I say goodbye to my 20's.  I am officially pushing 30, but I am happy to say that I'm not trying to push it away.  It's happening, whether I like it or not so rather than dread it, I will embrace it.  My 20's have been full of some of the highest highs and lowest lows... I'm looking forward to the balance that 30 brings.  I'm more secure in my own skin, My marriage has worked out majority of the major kinks, My kids are becoming more independent, and we have worked really hard to become more financially secure.  This said, my 30's look very bright and inviting.  I'm excited to welcome this new chapter of my life.
You know what they say, "Thirty and Thriving..."
That's exactly how I see it too.

Tonight my little family will head downtown SLC for the EVE celebration to experience something new, to celebrate the exciting things to come, and welcome a new year full of love, fun, excitement, and success. 

What will your new year bring?  How are you celebrating? 
Let me know here!
I encourage everyone to set some goals for yourself and work hard in the coming year to achieve them.  

“The future belongs to those who believe in

 the beauty of their dreams.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Loss, Tragedy and Life Lessons...

It seems that with every tragedy a valuable life lesson is soon revealed.... 
For some reason death has been lurking around every single corner I seem to turn these past two months.  Just as I begin to think, "this has to be it...." I am proven wrong with yet another heartbreaking loss.  Some of the loss is not so directly related to us, such as the recent death of my younger brother's grandfather (on his dad's side) and the most recent loss (as of Wednesday) of a dear friend to my mother, but even that kind of loss makes your heart ache just a little because you have to witness the hurt and sadness of people you love dearly. Your heart hurts for those hurting.  Then there is the loss of those that age has finally taken it's toll and the circle of life here on earth comes to an end.   Such as with the recent passing of my Great-Grandmother and Great Aunt (both within less than two weeks of one another).  Though they lived a long, wonderful life your heart aches just a little because their presence will be no more, they will no longer be where you are so used to them being.  Then there are those losses that you have been able to prepare yourself for.  Such as in the recent passing of our dear friend John (read about that here in case you missed it).  Loss like this, though it was expected and there was time to prepare, the ache in your heart is a little bit more painful and requires some time for healing.  There was still life left to be lived, memories to be made, but our maker had different plans.  The time that was given to prepare was greatly appreciated, but in all honesty how much can one really prepare for a loss?  For a loss of a friend that has touched your life as much as he did in the short time you knew him?  It's hard and it hurts, but you press forward.  I can say that through all of these losses this past couple months I have been waiting for that one thing I am suppose to learn through it all... in hopes that with that lesson the death will lay off for a little while.  With each of these losses I gained a greater appreciation for my family, my friends, my life, and every single person in it.  I have gained a greater appreciation for the moments that so quickly pass us by, trying very hard to take in each of those moments with greater care.  Trying very hard not to take life and those in it for granted.  I thought these were the things I was meant to take with me through life by way of such a quantity in loss... I'm grateful for this heightened sense of appreciation in my life.

Tragedy strikes.  What I mean by tragedy is the loss of not one, but two individuals that are far to young and that came so very unexpectedly.  Not only is the fact that lives were lost so young a tragedy in and of itself, but add a beautiful wife and two adorable children to the mix... a young new family left behind by the one they call a husband and a father.  It's tragic.  One that makes the hearts of even strangers ache.  I'm sure that many have heard about and read about the two duck hunters gone missing in the Great Salt Lake that  unfortunately didn't make it home to their families alive.  In case you haven't, google it.  There are stories everywhere regarding this tragedy (Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, and Here just to name a few).  Now this particular tragedy hits far too close to home with us.  You know those people in your life that though they aren't exactly family, you have grown to love them as such anyway.  Those people that aren't exactly family, but they have been around long enough to see you through several mile stones, to see you through good times and even bad times making the bond with those people even greater and tighter.  Those people in your life that were there to witness more than just a few of life's greatest and most dear moments.  Well the Hardman family has been those people for Bill for nearly all his life and have been those people for me for the past 13 years.  Not only were they around to be a great support to me through Bill's deployment, they were there in support of one of our greatest commitments in life; our wedding.  Not just there to support us, but participate in the event as well.  One Hardman as the best man and another performing the ceremony, along with others in the family cheering us on from their seats.  They were there with welcoming arms as we brought our little ones into the world, taking them on as their own grandchildren, nieces/nephews, cousins.  They have been there through some of the roughest patches in our lives cheering us on every step of the way.  Not only have they watched us grow and change, we have been able to witness these same milestones in their lives as well.  Weddings, babies, graduations, missions... you name it, we've been lucky enough to be a part of their world as well.
 They have been great friends and even better family.  We love them to our core and to have this tragedy strike their family was a huge loss for our family as well.  

There are a few memories of Logan that I wanted to share.  I can pretty much sum up these memories in a few short words and everyone who knows him will know exactly what I am talking about... Quiet, Afro, Hammock, MRE's, and Smile.
Who knows what I am referring to in these words?  
If you don't, let me explain. When I entered into the family Bill had to reassure me more than once that Logan didn't not like me... he was just quiet.  Something I learned to enjoy about Logan because his quiet nature meant that when he did speak, what he had to say was worth hearing.  I got to bear witness to the afro phase in Logan's life.  I can attest to the fact that I have never seen, nor do I think I will ever again see a white kid with such a kick ass afro.  I personally liked his afro hair... It had character, personality.  It was awesome, though some may disagree.  I recall a time having walked into Logan's bedroom for some reason or another and seeing his hammock, which replaced his bed.  Funny thing is this didn't strike me as odd as it would others, it was just Logan.  That doesn't mean that it didn't make me laugh... Only Logan.  I'm not quite certain how long that hammock remained in place of his bed, but I think it was awhile. I remember the first time Bill gathered up some MRE's (Meal Ready to Eat) to take over to Logan.  Now that I thought was odd... who would eat an MRE because the WANT to, not because the have to?  I'll tell you who, Logan.  Has anyone ever eaten one of those?  My personal opinion is they are quite.... interesting??? (for lack of a better word).  Just add water to everything... including meat.  Yeah, no thanks.  Logan enjoyed them though and Bill was more than willing to share them with him.  Last, but not least, Logan had one of the MOST contagious smiles I have ever seen.  One that I know for fact got him out of trouble more than once.  Probably more than a few dozen times actually.  With a smile like his you could get away with most anything.  That smile won over the hearts of many I'm sure. These are just some of the things I learned about Logan in the years I have known the Hardman family.  Things that stand out in the last 13 years.    

Now, back to where I was headed with this post... Life lessons.  
This tragic loss of Logan and his friend Chad was not just a loss for their families and friends, these losses were felt by an entire community.  The impact these losses have had on the community I live in has been very overwhelming to see.  Everywhere you turn someone is somehow connected to one of the two families and everyone wants to know how, why.   Everyone is struggling with the why.... It's overwhelming.  One thing is for certain, only God knows why.  This is where my great life lesson comes in.  GOD.  As I have sat back and watched the aftermath of these tragedies unfold there has been one major stand out thing surrounding it all, the strength in the Hardman family.  In all the years I have known them I have never really paid much attention to the tight bonds and the power behind this family.  I knew that they had touched many lives, mine being one of them, but I never realized the magnitude of those who also loved this family as I do, as we do.  The outpouring of love, kindness, and concern for this amazing family is nothing short of amazing.  I couldn't think of a family more deserving either.  For days after the tragedy occured I sat back in awe of just how amazing the Hardman family was handling their loss and of just how strong they all were.  I found myself envying the family they have and the bonds they share.  I found myself wondering what it is that they have done in their lives to create such a tight nit family unit, one that doesn't break even in the most darkest of days.  Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing family, family I wouldn't trade for the world. Between both Bill and myself, we are blessed with some amazing people as family, but I have never (not even in our families) seen a family with such bonds as the Hardman's have.  I began to not be just in wonder of what it is that makes them so tight of a family, but rather needing to know.  I want this same bond in my life with my family.  I want my children to love one another with the same depth as this family loves one another.  I want to be as close with my mom, dad, brothers, and sisters as the Hardman's are with each other.  I want the same in Bill's family.  As I sat there in the funeral service for Logan it hit me like a ton of bricks.  The bond that holds this family together is God.  This family has been given a solid spiritual foundation to build their lives upon.  Whether their faith be one that I or anyone else agrees or disagrees with, that doesn't matter.  What matters is they have been given that foundation.  Through their spiritual beliefs they have bonded.  They know what it means to be a family.  They rely on one another.  They love unconditionally.  
Do I think that every family needs to have some kind of faith or spirituality to be as this family is?  No.  To each their own.  What I do know is that I have learned that for my little family this is what is lacking.  This tragedy enlightened me on my personal need to teach my children some sort of spirituality.  Do we pray?  Yes.  Do we believe in God? Yes.  Do we believe in life after death? Yes.  This is the most we have ever taught our children.  I know that this alone will not be enough to sustain a solid foundation though.  I need more than this and so do my children.  In the few days following the funeral, faith and spirituality have really been weighing heavy on my mind.  I am not yet confident in teaching my children how to be spiritual or to show them the way to finding their own faith because I am still so unsure in what I believe, but there is only one place to start... I need to explore this side of myself.  Not too long ago I felt that I was making headway in my beliefs through reading the bible and studying different beliefs, but all that came to a halt when that ever so dreaded confusion set it.  So I stopped searching for answers and knowledge.  I have learned that I can't do that anymore because my kids deserve to have the most solid foundation for life that Bill and I can provide them...  spirituality and faith needs to be a part of that.  

It seems that with every tragedy a valuable life lesson is soon revealed... What is mine you ask?
I need to find God.  I need to find faith.  I need to find spirituality.
I have Logan and the Hardman's to thank for this.   

The dust is proof enough of how long it's been since I picked this book up.

Tonight I dug out my bible... wiped off the dust and opened it to where I last placed my book mark.  In my whole bible there is only one verse highlighted and it read....
"So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.  For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the other, so that you do not do what you want."

Funny this is all that is highlighted in my bible... seems I have been been stuck in this battle of the contrary for quite some time now.

The verse on the front of my bible reads...
"Trust the Lord with all your Heart..."  

Maybe I've been stuck in the contrary because I haven't found out how to come by that trust it speaks of right on the front.  Here's to letting go of fear and committing to figuring this all out. 

To the Hardman Family:
I want you guys to know that though I know that my personal lessons through all this really isn't likely to be much comfort to you, through your love and example in this tragic time I have learned so much about what I need in my own life.  I have been made more aware of changes I need to make in myself in order to sustain a life with meaning, a life in which my children will thrive.  I have been given a great example of the family I hope to raise.  I look up to you all and hope that my family can one day set the example for others as you have set for us.  I am grateful for the continued presence you have all had in my life.  I am grateful to have grown to know you all and love you all.  Thank you for letting me and my family be a part of yours. 

To Everyone Else:
If you are wondering how you can go about helping this amazing family, donations can be made in Logan Hardman's name at any Zions Bank location.  His wife, children, and family have a long road of emotional healing ahead of them and it is unfortunate that they will be left with some financial burdens as well.  Every little bit helps, so if you can, I encourage you to donate.  Knowing this family personally I can assure you that no amount will go unappreciated.    

Logan and his Sweet Family.
Also there is a fundraiser being held for Logan's family this coming Saturday, Dec. 1st.  Details below.  

A sincere Thank You to you all.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

First Winter Snow

This month has really been a pretty mild one.  Temperatures have been consistently high for this time of year.  We did manage to get one good snow storm as of current.  It hit us a couple of weeks ago.  It literally snowed for over 24 hours straight.  Much of the valley got well over 6 inches, but some parts got even more.  It was a very wet and dense snow, which made it very difficult to shovel.  However, this is the BEST snow for snowman making.  I'm really a poor sport when it comes to this wet, white stuff.  I'm not a big fan of winter or the snow so I encouraged the kids to make a snowman alone.  It was a bust.  Neither of the kids could get a snowball started well enough to begin rolling it into larger balls for a snowman.  They sure did enjoy playing in it though.  We quickly learned that they had both outgrown their winter gear so we had to head out afterward and find some attire suitable for them now.  TALK ABOUT EXPENSIVE!  I was SO not happy about how much $$$ we had to drop on new snow gear.  Lets hope they can get some good use out of it.  Last winter was pretty mild with very little snow... I'm hoping that we at least have a white winter.  I will be content with that much snow.  

Catching Snowflakes....

Attempting to make a Snowman (Brenna is clearly unhappy with the lack of progress)

Tomlin Halloween 2012

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone let's talk about what we did on Halloween shall we?  
(I've got to get myself caught up!)

Our morning started WAY too early, as most mornings do.  I was rushing as usual to get myself and both kids pulled together for the festivities at school.  Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for Bill) Bill took the day off work so he could come and watch the kids in the Halloween parade at school (because now that I work at the school, I don't get to do that anymore).  This meant that he was home to help me get the kids ready.  As the minutes quickly passed and I was struggling to get us all ready and out the door, I summoned Bill to come help pull Sam's make-up together.  It's a good thing to because I'm not good at that monster stuff.  Cute I can do, but Scary..... Not so much.  

Mummy Sam

Claudine Wolf (A Monster High Doll)

Off to school we went, even I was dressed up.  Good thing about being a teacher is it gives you a good excuse to be young again.
Sam was first in line at the parade, right behind a teacher of course. Bill nearly missed getting his picture because he wouldn't have thought that our boy would start out the show.  His homemade costume was quite a hit though, so I think he was a very good choice to get the fun rolling.  

Lesson learned and he was ready for Brenna.  

Like I said, I got to join in the fun too... My little preschoolers were all so cute.  

Just a lil' Witchy
Halloween night was pretty mellow and low key.  We went to a nearby church for a trunk or treat then headed out in our neighborhood.  The kids tired quickly so we didn't go far.  I'm okay with that.  Our neighborhood was hoppin' and I felt really bad because we had this cool decorated house with no one home to hand out the goodies.  Next year we will have to do better with our planning.  Maybe I will just have Bill take the kids trick or treating and I'll sit home and enjoy the quiet. HA!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our little Karate Kid...

I am SO behind on my blogging.  So far behind that I have actually had a bit of anxiety about it.  Crazy I know for something that I do because I love to do it, not because I have to do it.  Really though, even though I love to blog when I get behind I feel like I am losing the moment in it's entirety.  I'm sure all bloggers understand this RIGHT???

It's no secret by now that Sam is in Karate.  He's been going to Karate for about 3 Months (give or take) now and was able to participate in his first belt test.  I have not sat and watched him in class because I know my being there would be more of a distraction than he needs so I have opted to stay away during class time.  He tells me frequently about breaking wood with his hands and weapon practice, but unfortunately I still can't attest to this even after his testing.  Those areas weren't anything he was tested on.  Darn! 

Anyway,  his testing took place on Oct. 27th.  We had to go to new territory so this set the anxiety in for Sam.  He was out of his element and nervous to be testing in front of someone he hasn't ever seen, in a place he had never stepped foot in.  The place was SUPER small and OVERLY crowded.  I'm hoping that not all tests take place there because it was quite stuffy, even I was feeling claustrophobic.  Totally unlike me.  Those who know Bill can only begin to imagine how he was feeling in such closed quarters, not good.  The temperature in that place is a whole other topic... you can only begin to imagine the heat in a room packed with excited parents and nervous students.  BRUTAL!  Not to mention the sweaty smell that quickly consumed the tiny room.  Ugh. 

Okay, okay back to the Karate...
I'm still so unfamiliar with this Karate stuff, but I do know that he was tested on several different 'techniques' (for lack of a better word).  The Master went through a whole series of different blocks, punches, kicks... A language I just don't understand.  Poor Sam was holding back so much.  He was so small standing there in that room... I wasn't 100% of how well he was doing either because it was such unfamiliar territory for me.  One thing he was though is CUTE!  I loved watching him do his thing.  Whether he was doing it  right or wrong he made it worth watching.  

Yes, he had gum in his mouth and NO, it's not allowed in the Dojo...
Oops.  Lesson learned.  The Master let him know and made him spit it out eventually.  

All in all he did well.  He earned his yellow belt and was so proud of himself.  We are proud of him too.  I hope in the future I can learn more about Karate and understand what it is that he is working so hard to achieve.  He loves it and I will love it because he does.  However, I do think I need to watch Karate Kid a time or two to understand it all.  LOL

After he tested, we took him out for lunch at our favorite ice cream joint... Leatherby's.  Can't get any better than that can it?  

Oh, and know what else is cool???
Sam even got his name embroidered on his new yellow belt. 
Guess what name he chose.....

None other than SAM I AM!  
Such a good sport that kid.  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bullying, Farting, and Young Love...

Today the school held an assembly about Bullying,
Today I have now heard my children call one another a bully countless times... Imagine that.
Isn't that usually how it is?  Teach a child some useful information and they turn it around and use the information in the very way it was NOT intended to be used?
Well, that's how it is with my kids....
They are now bullying one another by use of the word Bully. 

Today Sam accidentally kicked Brenna and didn't say sorry.  According to Brenna, he is now a Bully.

Today Brenna took Sam's spot next to me on my bed.
According to Sam, she is now a Bully.

Today both kids recited some VERY important information they learned in this assembly...

"Don't stand by, Be an Alibi!"
(Really this is suppose to be "Don't stand by, Be an Ally!")
I thought that to be quite the funny interpretation of what they thought they learned.  

Not sure my kids gained a whole lot from this bullying assembly... Wonder how many more times I can count them calling one another a Bully before bed.
Any guesses?
Well, +1 happened JUST NOW!

Anyway, I had to share this little bit of information shared with me by Sam's little girlfriends mom...
Aubrielle turned five today.
You can read about that HERE
(Have I ever told ya'll how much I LOVE her little family? In case I haven't... I LOVE THAT SMITH FAMILY!)
Sam worked very hard on this card for her...

Not sure how well you can see it, but the card reads "Happy Birthday to... My Aubrielle."  It's what he asked for me to help him write, then I left him to decorate the card by himself.  I came back to find a picture of him and her, which he was quick to point out that his legs are longer than hers because he IS a little bit taller than her..."RIGHT MOM?" (apparently his manhood rides upon being a little bit taller than her). They are walking hand in hand, surrounded by a ton of hearts and flowers.  He wrote I love you 3 different times on the card.  I guess one time just isn't enough...

He very shyly gave this card to Aubrielle this morning, to which she so graciously accepted the card with a hug and a smile.  Apparently she sat with this card in her lab, admiring it through the first part of class today, and apparently those 3 I love you's did the trick...
She told her mom, "Sam really does love me Mom!" 
Cute right?

Well, it gets better.  Shelley (Aubrie's mom) came to tell me about how Aubrielle's party plans were coming.  Sweet Aubrie has been SO concerned with making sure that Sam has fun at her party so she has made all her birthday party choices based upon whether it can be for both boys and girls.  They are having a late night movie party and will be watching Little Rascals (because Sam will like it too). Party favors even include mustaches and WHOOPEE cushions because "Sam will LOVE that, Boys like farting!"
Now if you knew Aubrielle, you would totally understand just how much this shows her love for our little Sam.  She is a TOTAL girly girl and farting is just not something to be expected of a princess like her.  Yet here she is incorporating farting into her party just for her Sam.  Sounds to me like our Sam has found himself a keeper.  Already offering compromise to ensure the happiness of the one she loves... and he does the same for her.  

Young Love, It's the BEST! 

Speaking of farting... How is a teacher suppose hold her composure in class when a student rips a big one at circle time?  THAT happened yesterday and let me tell you... Holding a straight face was much more difficult than I had anticipated. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Crazy Corn Maze, Pumpkin Patch, and Pumpkin Carving...

What did you do with your weekend?
Well, we had a long one so we were able to squeeze a TON of fun into ours.

I've never really looked at corn stalks and thought "Wow this sure is pretty," but when we decided to go to the Crazy Corn Maze that is exactly what I began to think as I watched my cute family make their way through the maze. 

See what I mean....

Pretty right?  
Anyway, we could hardly keep the kids contained when we arrived.  They were beyond excited to get started and get lost.

We had a really good time, but I was scared the entire time that we were going to lose one of the kids because they kept running ahead of us.  Children of the corn kept running through my head and I couldn't help but thing "What if someone comes and grabs one of the kids and pulls them into the rows of corn and we never see them again?"  I know I am a HUGE worry wart.

And then of course the kids thought it would be funny to play upon Mom's worrisome ways and would hunker down in the corn and see if they could worry me even more because I couldn't see them.  

I of course would always find them. HA!
Bill even opted to get in on the hide from Mom fun, but he too failed miserably, but in his defense he had no hope in success with the kids by his side.  Just as I came around the corner I could hear Sam whisper (very loudly I might add), "Shhhh guys, I see Mom!"

Doesn't matter that his plan didn't work.  As you can tell from the picture above he still thought that he was super funny and clever.

On a different note, I must say that having a husband like Bill makes it very difficult to enjoy the fun of getting lost because with a map in hand he knew exactly where we were and exactly where we needed to go to get to our next checkpoint.  

In case you have never been to the Crazy Corn Maze, they have 10 questions that you are suppose to answer and then ten different check points within the maze with different shaped hole punches at each check point to ensure that you found each of them.  If you find them all then you get a prize at the end.  Though we didn't get lost, you had better believe that we found ALL ten of those check points.  

Now, no Tomlin Family outing would be complete without two things.  One, dancing Brenna and two, some kind of potty drama.  Without fail, everywhere we take our kids we have to visit a restroom at least 2-3 times.  AND without fail Brenna is busting out some type of dance related moves.  The dancing poses no problem at the corn maze...

BUT you can imagine what kind of problems come along with the potty thing, especially when you are dead center of the maze with no easy access to a potty.  I must say I am SO proud of Brenna for making it all the way through the maze without having to pee... THE BOYS
On the other hand were a different story.  Yes this includes Bill.  Both were hit with an immediate NEED to go pee, but as I mentioned we had no easy way out to get them that much needed relief.  
(Note to EVERYONE, visit the pot before you enter the maze)
Fortunately for boys, they have the option of just being very discrete in the act.  Yes, they BOTH tucked themselves away in the corn stalks and did their business...

Bill MAY or may not kill me for these pictures.  He should know better though... HA!

We finally made our way out of the corn maze, though I am sure we made it out much faster than many do it did seem to go on for quite awhile.  

An added benefit to having gone to the Corn Maze is that it doubles as a pumpkin patch.  We were, however, very disappointed with the pumpkin options.  It seemed that the majority of the pumpkins were beginning to or in the major phases of rotting.  We were pretty limited.  This may be a result of being late into the month along with the warmth and dryness of our summer?  I'm just guessing here, but it seems like those combined could be likely causes.  

We finally decided on the pumpkins we felt right for each of us and headed out.  We hit up Jordan Landing for some dinner and of course we can't go there without making a stop at Barnes and Noble.  We didn't get home until late so the Pumpkin carving had to wait until Sunday.  

Amazingly enough we managed to keep the table fairly clean during the carving process.  YAY for easy clean up.  

Brenna decided on a vampiress pumpkin.

Sam and Bill of course had to have the scary element to their pumpkins.  Sam wanted his JUST LIKE Dad's, but Bill talked him out of it.  

I of course have to have a girly/cute pumpkin.  She even has eyelashes.  

Our little Tomlin Pumpkin Family.
I think each of our pumpkins represent each of us very well.  I sure hope each of your weekend was as fun filled and awesome as ours was...
(A little over a week till Halloween, are you as excited as I am?)