Friday, November 11, 2011

They call me... Toothless!

Brenna FINALLY lost her very first tooth! This tooth has been loose since June, yes that is 5 months worth of talking about how much more loose the tooth is on a daily basis. Brenna was given plenty of prep time for this tooth to fall out. Yet, she still FREAKED out. Her tooth had gotten to the point that it was hanging there, by a little thread of gum. She could bend it forward and backward nearly 180 degrees. As we sat putting her shoes on for school the morning of Nov. 8, she was playing with her tooth on her front lower lip. I looked at her and said, Brenna, show me how far you can bend it. So she did, and pop! She felt that tiny little last thread finally give way... caught her tooth in her hand and then....

She THREW it! Yes, threw her itty bitty baby tooth across the room, and started bawling hysterically. I was dumbfounded, at a loss for words. Not because I didn't know what to say to console her, but because she actually threw her tooth! Finally she calmed down, I convinced her that she and her smile were still a beautiful as they were WITH the little tooth in place. It didn't take very long to find the little tooth, as I watched in disbelief as it landed in a general area. I love my little ones, even with the dramatics... My life really wouldn't be so entertaining without them in it!