Monday, December 31, 2012

Welcoming a New Year... DREAM BIG IN 2013

I'm not one to really celebrate the coming of a new year, 
Nor am I one to set new years resolutions.  
I feel that with every resolution comes a failure... I mean really how many people out there make a resolution and actually stick to it?  I can only speak for myself, but in the years that I did attempt to make a new years resolution I NEVER STUCK WITH IT! Alas, I opted to not make them ever again.
 The coming of 
is different for me.  I'm not going against my original plan to not make resolutions, but I feel that this year brings with it SO much opportunity for great things to happen in my world so I have decided to set some goals instead.  
Goals I can handle, it's not a resolution, it's simply something to work toward without the HAVE TO ACHIEVE attached to it.
Get what I'm saying?

My goals are as follows:
and in no particular order 
(it looks a bit overwhelming to me, but I know it's possible)

1. Exercise/Get Fit/Get Healthy
2. Continue on my spiritual journey
3. Photo-A-Day for the ENTIRE YEAR
4. Get better at blogging/documenting our life
5. Start photo books/memory books
6. Start a personal journal
7. Start Mama and Me journals (writing letters back and forth between the kids and I)
8. Buy a new camera
9. Take my little family to NY to meet my family
10. Disneyland
11. Get back in school (my break is long over)
12. Paint/re-decorate my bedroom.
13. Buy a DSLR
14. Take a photography class
15. Take more home videos
16. Post a life as I remember posts to my blog twice a month
17. Visit Shauna in Island Park (see Yellowstone while there)
18. Volunteer as a family for a good cause
19.  Go on dates with my husband
20. Get up to 10,000 all time views on my blog
21. Get over my fear of guns
22. Obtain a concealed weapons permit
23. Put together a designated "work" area for myself in my house instead of just my bedside.

This list, because it is just goals, is subject to change. 
I don't feel that I necessarily have to achieve all these goals in this next year, but I want to commit to at least take necessary steps to get closer to achieving them. 
Am I going to beat myself up if I don't cross all these off my list in 2013?  No.  It really is a lot to achieve and one person can only do so much.  
I think I'll hold off on the exercise thing for another couple months until all those resolution people fall off the get fit bandwagon making more room for myself to use the equipment at the local Rec Center.
I'm mean I know, but I just don't like crowds too much. 

 On another note, 2013 is also the year that I say goodbye to my 20's.  I am officially pushing 30, but I am happy to say that I'm not trying to push it away.  It's happening, whether I like it or not so rather than dread it, I will embrace it.  My 20's have been full of some of the highest highs and lowest lows... I'm looking forward to the balance that 30 brings.  I'm more secure in my own skin, My marriage has worked out majority of the major kinks, My kids are becoming more independent, and we have worked really hard to become more financially secure.  This said, my 30's look very bright and inviting.  I'm excited to welcome this new chapter of my life.
You know what they say, "Thirty and Thriving..."
That's exactly how I see it too.

Tonight my little family will head downtown SLC for the EVE celebration to experience something new, to celebrate the exciting things to come, and welcome a new year full of love, fun, excitement, and success. 

What will your new year bring?  How are you celebrating? 
Let me know here!
I encourage everyone to set some goals for yourself and work hard in the coming year to achieve them.  

“The future belongs to those who believe in

 the beauty of their dreams.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt