It is so hard to believe that 5 years has already come and gone since Bill and I got married. Although I look at all the things we have accomplished in that time, I sit and think... "Really? Was all that possable?" I guess with all the hustle and bustle of life, time just passes by. A few things I need to remind myself is to "Stop and smell the roses..." as someone once said. The small things in life go un-noticed all to often... For the next 5 years I am going to do just that. Appreciate the small things that my loving husband does for me and our family, for I don't give him credit where credit is due often enough. I will be sure to hug and kiss him everyday for the rest of our lives... It is so true what John Lennon once said "Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans..."
To my loving man...
You truely are an amazing person. You are the rock that keeps me grounded and the glue that holds our family together. Without you, I would only be a fragment of what you have helped me become. You truely are my soul mate... Here's to living, laughing, and loving for Many MANY more years to come.
I love you!