I absolutely love the words of an innocent child. I have documented several things via blog that my children have said that made me smile, laugh, cry, and even at times a little embarrased. I have decided to start re-occuring posts titled either Brenna says or Sam says depending on the child who blessed me with the brilliant words. Starting with:
Brenna Says:A little background about the moment. Brenna has for some reason taken notice in "fat." Not exactly something I am excited about. I number one don't want her to feel that she needs to worry about weight nor do I want her freely expressing her views on what she 'thinks' is fat. Apparently in her eyes I have earned the title of fat. We as parents deffinately have to keep a tight hold on this with her. Anyway, one night at dinner the conversation went like this:
"Yes, Brenna?"
Followed by a lengthly silence...
"Well, I was going to say that you were fat, but your not fat mommy... Your just loved."
Why thank you my DD (Darling Daughter)
Sam Says:Bill just this past week buzzed Sam's head. I was not too thrilled about the whole hair cut, but it grows back so I can't remain too bummed out. I guess Sam requested the hair cut, and Bill decided that with it being summer a buz cut was reasonable to help keep cool. Okay, I agree with that. Sam is really liking this new hair due, so much in fact he opted it to be appropriate to yell across the street to our neighbor (who is an older gentleman)in his tough "I'm so cool," voice:
"Hey Larry, I'm bald like you!"
Good thing our neighbor Larry has a good sense of humor and has also taken a liking to the kids. He got a kick out of that one.