We were the first ones to show up, so I helped Miss Beckie set up, and then the program got started... although the kids were really quiet and some didnt do it at all... it was still really cute. And Miss Beckie then called each of their names and gave them there very own pre-school diploma. The kids liked that part, and were very proud of themselves. I know this may sound a little cliche, but I a so proud of Brenna! She has overcome some pretty big things this year with the help of Miss Beckie. She was VERY attatched to me when the year started, and she was a little weary of being away from mommy at first. But she quickly found her place in the class, and became rather fond of school and learning. At one point during the year she was having a little trouble with another little girl being really mean and picking on her. It got to the point that she didn't want to go to school anymore because of it, after talking to her teacher and Brenna, we were able to fix the problem, and Brenna never gave up on trying to be this little girls friend... and now at the end of the year, she and Alyssa (the mean girl) are inseperable at school. We found out later in the year that Alyssa was placed in foster care and eventually was adopted by her parents now, and that her behavior issues were a result of her previous parenting... Alyssa too, made great progress this year, and I am so proud of Brenna for being the "bigger person" and never retaliating, instead she was an example to Alyssa. Brenna has also made a lot of progress in her learning. She can identify some (not all) of her letters. She can trace them perfectly and write some of them on her own. She knows her ABC's like the back of her hand, and she can count to 20. Her vocabulary has increased tramendously (not that she needed any help in that area). She has went from scribbling to taking her time and coloring nicely. Brenna will be returning to Miss Beckie's pre-school in the fall, and I am really excited to see what next year will bring. She is already so advanced... We will miss Miss Beckie this summer, but we will be sure to visit her at Iggy's (her summer job) often. Thank you Beckie for all you do, your a wonderful teacher, and we look forward to another 2 years with you.
PS. I am uploading videos, and I appologize for the bad quality and bounciness of them... I wasn't paying that close of attention to what I was doing. I was trying to watch the program.