I painted my ass off in order to prep our livingroom for new carpet. We have had this carpet sitting in our basement for 4 years just waiting for the kids to get a little older in hopes to salvage stains and ruin! However one day I looked at my house, white walls were just getting OLD! And the dirty 12 year old gray carpet wasn't helping the situation at all. Then the kirby man came to my door and did his little presentation on my DIRTY gray carpet... Yeah lets just say it was awful. He tried to assure me that he had seen worse, much worse... but the fact that he was pulling up granuals of sand out of my carpet (when my kids don't even play in our sandbox ever) meant only one thing... the sand was probably left behind from when my brothers were little and lived in this house... granted I am sure my kids contrubuted to the sand as well, but I was just DISGUSTED! I knew that the life of that carpet was gone. I will say this however... I was expecting the pad underneath to be a wreck as well however luckily enough for us it was in nearly perfect condition. Yahoo, one less thing to replace! So Bill and I decided that yesterday was the day to tackle the carpet. Bill's step dad showed him just a couple weekends ago how to lay carpet while they changed the carpet in Sam's room... now we were left to do it on our own and a MUCH bigger project. Lots of seaming because the room was just too big for one sheet of carpet to cover the entire thing. Although it took us 9-10 hours, I think we did a WONDERFUL job for our first time. I couldn't be happier with the outcome! It looks amazing! I am feel for the first time in a long time that my home is something to take pride in. It's mine and I love it
wow jess it looks really good. and how cute is sam??? omg!!!
Ahhh it looks so GOOD!!! We are starting alot of the same projects we are re painting our whole house in a few weeks and putting some carpet in we have ALL wood floor withc is nice in some areas but I would rather have carpet in our bed rooms so wish me luck I know it is going to be a HEAD ACHE!!!
it turned out so good! I can't wait to see it!
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