Thursday, June 26, 2008

He's a Natural!!!

So yesterday as the kids, Bill, and I were outside enjoying the warm weather... Sam decided to be daring! To our amazement, he climbed up on Brenna's little motorized four-wheeler grabbed the handles, pushed the button and took off riding! It was the craziest thing to see my barely 1 year old driving this little thing around. In fact, he rode it better than Brenna does... (but we will never tell her that). He was driving off the curbs... through gardens... over rocks... nothing got in his way! He was having so much fun, and was so proud of himself. He thought he was hot shit for sure! After about 40 minutes the fight to get him off was very difficult. I guess it's time to buy my baby his own little four wheeler at 1 year old.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

He is so stinkin' cute I could eat him up! It was cool to see a glimpse of the old hood. I remember this little cute teenager names Jess lived next door. She was so sweet. THEN..she went and grew up! Love ya girl.