Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sam's Nap Time...

Man! I am at a complete loss... I guess I am posting this, searching for some advise. Sam has ALWAYS taken naps, for about the first year, he took 3 or 4 short 30min naps a day... And then, he switched to just one GOOD, 1 1/2 to 2 hour nap after lunch. Let me tell you... Those naps have been absolutely WONDERFUL. Gives me just enough time to clean up lunch mess, and get a little cleaning, and one on one time in with Brenna. In the recent weeks, he has decided that he doesn't need naps anymore. And amongst all the Holiday mumbo jumbo, I was still really careful about pushing for a nap amongst everything that was going on. When I put him down, first he cries for a bit. Then he plays for a little while... good 20 minutes or so. And then he begins calling for me repeatedly. So I go in,lay him down and he cries for another 20-30 minutes before he finally falls asleep. All the while, I am trying to keep Brenna entertained and quiet so he can fall asleep. So, what it boils down to is that it takes me over an hour to finally get him to go to sleep... and I feel awful letting sit in his crib for that long, but I am sooooooo not ready for his naps to end. I need that time, and so does he. If he doesn't get a nap during the day then by dinner time he is so onry it is such a chore just to get some food in his belly before bath and bed at 8. I am at my whits end really... Do I just give in, and end the nap time? Or do I stick to my guns just a little longer? He is only 20 months... Shouldn't they nap at least until they are 2?


Lewis Family said...

Stick to you guns. Nap time is crucial for motherly sanity. What he's going through is a phase, and not like a hitting phase or a biting phase, it's a physical phase (most likely a non-growing phase). His growth has most likely slowed, leaving him feeling like he doesn't need the rest. He does though, and behind every growth lull, is a growth spurt, and you don't want him out of the habit when that spurt hits. Stick it out and you won't regret it.

Jessica T. said...

Thanks Heather!

Justin and Tasha said...

Naps are a MUST at my house I honestly think they need them...a full day without rest is alot to put on their little bodys. MY little one will take them untill I say so !!! She has faught her sleep since the day she was born but What ever it takes for me to get an hour of quiet I will do ! It is my time to catch up and hers ! I know how hard it is, But he is only testing you ! Atleast make it a quiet time.

Jessica said...

I would so keep pushing for the nap even if he plays for part of it they really need that "break" during the day! Thanks for the nice comments by the way!