Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day all the amazing mom's...

As today is coming to an end... I am sitting here thinking about how amazing my kids are. Although today is a day to celebrate our mom's and for us mom's to be shown appreciation... I think today, for me, was more so a day for me to look at my precious children and remember how lucky I am to be their mom. They truely are some amazing, smart, loving, and precious little beings. There personalities are so different from eachother, but the one thing they have in common is the amount of love they have to give. Even at there young ages they are so unselfish in all the ways that matter most. As I look back at my life, and regardless of all the wrongs and rights I have faced or had to overcome... I wouldn't change them for the world. I feel blessed to have had those lessons in life, and I can only hope that through them, I can be the best mom to my children as I can be and also that I will be able to spare them of any of the same heartaches I have had to face.

Okay, so about my wonderful day... Bill came home this morning after working the grave yard shift, and brought me some flowers and a sweet card. On the front of the card there was a little dirty blonde haired girl with pig tails wearing her mommy's high heels and jewelry. He said as I opened it, "I had to get this one, cause the second I saw it... it reminded me of our kids." I just LOVED that he too can take the small things our children do, and appreciate them as much as I do... He really is an amazing father, and husband. The card was filled with some of the sweetest words he has ever said to me... I really, really appreciated that more than he will ever know! Well, of course he was tired so he headed down to the dungeon for some much needed rest. Then the kids and I ate some breakfast, made some cards for their grammy and sunney. We delivered them, then went and got some lunch. After that, we just came home and enjoyed some R&R. I then went to a movie with my neighbor friend. It was nice to get just the right amount of alone time in during the day too. While I was gone, Bill took the kids gift searching... when I came home Bill told me they didn't get anything cause he couldn't find anything he thought I would like. Which was totally fine with me, cause the love I get from all of them is simply enough. Then Brenna told me... "mom we didn't get you anything cause we couldn't find anything we thought was good enough." I know she meant that in a totally sweet and innocent way, and I thought it was so tender!

To my mom:
Regardless of our past, present, or future differences I just want you to know I love you regardless. I believe that the biggest blessing of becoming a mom is the unconditional love you recieve from your children. The love I have for you has never, and will never change. I still love you unconditionally at 26, as I did the moment I first saw your face.

To my step-mom:
I cannot express just how thankful I am for you and all you have brought to my life. You except me the way I am, and you will never know how much that means to me. I have fought long and hard for exceptance from others, and you helped me realize that the real me is absolutely good enough. You have helped me be happy in my own skin... you are amazing, and I love you!

To both mom-in-laws:
I thank you both for excepting me into your families with open arms. You are both amazing women, each in very different ways... but I am grateful for the relationships I have been able to build with the both of you. Thank you for being you! Love you!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Austin would not let me take his picture, he was being a butt.