Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tomlin Halloween 2012

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone let's talk about what we did on Halloween shall we?  
(I've got to get myself caught up!)

Our morning started WAY too early, as most mornings do.  I was rushing as usual to get myself and both kids pulled together for the festivities at school.  Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for Bill) Bill took the day off work so he could come and watch the kids in the Halloween parade at school (because now that I work at the school, I don't get to do that anymore).  This meant that he was home to help me get the kids ready.  As the minutes quickly passed and I was struggling to get us all ready and out the door, I summoned Bill to come help pull Sam's make-up together.  It's a good thing to because I'm not good at that monster stuff.  Cute I can do, but Scary..... Not so much.  

Mummy Sam

Claudine Wolf (A Monster High Doll)

Off to school we went, even I was dressed up.  Good thing about being a teacher is it gives you a good excuse to be young again.
Sam was first in line at the parade, right behind a teacher of course. Bill nearly missed getting his picture because he wouldn't have thought that our boy would start out the show.  His homemade costume was quite a hit though, so I think he was a very good choice to get the fun rolling.  

Lesson learned and he was ready for Brenna.  

Like I said, I got to join in the fun too... My little preschoolers were all so cute.  

Just a lil' Witchy
Halloween night was pretty mellow and low key.  We went to a nearby church for a trunk or treat then headed out in our neighborhood.  The kids tired quickly so we didn't go far.  I'm okay with that.  Our neighborhood was hoppin' and I felt really bad because we had this cool decorated house with no one home to hand out the goodies.  Next year we will have to do better with our planning.  Maybe I will just have Bill take the kids trick or treating and I'll sit home and enjoy the quiet. HA!

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