Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sun, Water Fun, and Shaved Ice... Just what our Easter needed! Part 3

So what if I'm a little behind...
It's how I do.

Lets just jump right in.  The kids woke up Sunday VERY excited to see the goods the Easter Bunny left for them overnight.
Brenna quickly piped up with, "MOM!  I heard the bunny. I swear I did... I heard him hopping on the floor!"
I would normally chalk this up as her telling stories... You know the kind that if you tell yourself enough times then you start to believe it kind.  BUT I have to give her some flexibility here Mom may or may not have been up quite a few times that night.  At all hours.  I'm certain Brenna heard something, just wasn't the bunny.  I was okay with Mom getting up though cause it gave me a good excuse to get up myself and grab just one more piece of licorice.  Damn that yummy little red treat.

Brenna first noticed the shoes.  She's been begging me for shoes with a big flower on them.  I don't think it mattered the color or even the fit... just that it had a flower.  Good thing I was still able to find something  with a flower on it.  Apparently those sandals are the big trend right now cause the were VERY difficult to find, let alone in the right size.  Sam on the other hand first noticed the single metallic egg sitting front and center in his basket.  I've mentioned before this kids obsessions in life... Money being one of them.  This kid must have a nose for it because that is exactly what that one single egg contained.  Never mind the rest of the stuff.

However, the real excitement hit when the kids noticed that COMPLETELY crazy Easter bunny brought them wrist rockets (or sling shots??? Is there a difference?).  Not sure that the Easter bunny was fully with it when that decision was made.  Actually, I take that back...
The Easter bunny most certainly had "checked out" when deciding to put that in their baskets.  Mr. Easter bunny is to blame.  
I take no responsibility.

It took awhile after the wrist rockets were discovered for the kids to take notice to anything else... including the empty carton sitting right in front of them or the slew of eggs laying just outside the doors waiting to be gobbled up by their perfect little hands.  Eventually, we did make it to taking notice to those hidden eggs and their excitement shifted.  The kids were quickly at the back door, plastic sacks in hand, ready to take on that hunt.
They were then forced to wait for dad to get out of the shower...
Seriously, who gets in the shower first thing on a morning like this?  He must not have any recollection of the excitement of these moments as a kid.  How dare he make them wait! LOL

But, there they waited... anticipation growing.
Dad finally joined us and off they went.

The hunt ended quickly.  They were good little egg hunters those two.  Surprisingly we even made it through that egg hunt without a fight.  That rarely happens.  It was already turning out to be a good day.  When we wrapped up outside, Sam was quick to request that Grandma and Grandpa make Swedish pancakes.  We just can't go to G&G Eldredge's for a visit and leave without having them.
It's tradition. Can't brake tradition. 
They were also just as quick to comply.  
We scarfed down our food and the kids got dressed up in their new Easter clothes....

Only to be rushed out the door to once again pile in the car for a long ride home.  The ride home was definately much longer than the ride down.  Why is that?  Why is it that when you have a fun and enjoyable trip, but are ready to be home... home just seems SO much further away?  It's a rude trick I tell ya.

We finally made it home, unloaded the car, then the kids and I piled back in the car and headed over to my mom's boyfriends house for an Easter dinner.  It was perfect as he lives in a pretty secluded place with plenty of rocks.
Perfect for some wrist rocket action.
The kids were well occupied and ran a muck.
They needed that open space to wind down and let loose some energy after having spent the time we did in the car.  
Food was good.  Thanks to Terk for his hard work and hospitality.  

We were even graced by four darling deer.
They came right down the mountain and took comfort right in Terk's (Mom's boyfriend) backyard.  The kids really enjoyed watching them. They were even able to go stand outside, just 10 feet from them without startling them.  

This little girl walked right up to the window they were first gazing at them through... She was clearly curious. 
It was a great ending to a GREAT weekend.  

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