Monday, January 11, 2010

The plan has changed...

So, now that we have all gotten a glimps of Sam in glasses, and just how cute he was in them... the plan has changed. I received a call from the eye doc today, expressing some concerns after having done a little homework/research himself and also having touched base with a few other docs he knows that deals specifically with pediatric vision therapy. Sam is no longer getting glasses, due to the simple fact that it is easy for his eyes to become so reliant on the glasses that it they could potentially weaken the muscles to the point that it would make therapy less effective and harder work for Sam. So, the new plan is that mid February we will be taking Sam in to see him again, and he will begin with teaching us some at home excersises to do with Sam. Granted these will be some very basic excersises, but the doc is hoping that with them we can at least maintain what control he still has of the muscles. We will then come up with a schedule as to how often we need to come in to have his eyes checked just so he can monitor his progress, if we are able to make any with these excersises. The doc did say that another option they may consider is a prism glasses that are soley for therapy. They would be ones that rather than compensating for his lack of control they would do just the oposite. They would rather over compensate, which would force his muscles to strengthen. These would be glasses that he would only wear about an hour a day. Again this would only be temporary until he is old enough to participate fully in vision therapy. The doc said that at this point, being that the effects of his palsy haven't gotten too bad as of yet, he is just going to try to keep him where he is at until therapy... now if with these hope excercises and when/if we do the therapy glasses his eyes still progressively get worse we will have to look into other options, like the glasses which were planned out originally or even surgery again. The doc agreed with me that we need to do all we can to keep him out of surgery, especially because the positive results from his last surgery only lasted about a year. He said that with every surgery, those muscles are damaged, and the more times they are cut and moved the more damaged they become. He said that eventually after numerous surgeries the effects of his palsy will become unrepairable with surgery, and also even eliminate the option of vision therapy because his eye muscles will have been weakened far too much by the surgeries. Man, I have high hopes for this new "plan".


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Justin and Tasha said...

Jess that plan sounds great, have they talked about patching an eye at all ? That also helps the muscle. I hope everything works out good for him, I would hate to see him loose control of those muscles !

Jessica T. said...

They haven't mentioned anything about patching the eyes... I will be sure to ask about that when we go in.