On October 11, 2005, I met the most amazing little girl! She was a tiny 6lbs 9oz. and 20 inches long, every last inch of her PERFECT! She deffinately made her grand entrance (3 1/2 hours of pushing later... Quite hellish, ask any of the 9 people that were there), and made it all so worth it.
She has grown and matured so much, more so than any other 5 year old I have ever met. Currently some of her favorites are MUSIC, Justin Beiber, ICarly, mothering her brother, helping mom cook, taking showers, and getting her and her brother breakfast all by herself. She love loves her freckles, her animals, and her family. My top five favorite things about Brenna are:
Her sensativity
The amount of love she has for everyone. (One of my favorite memories with her was when we were driving to chuch and she saw an old man (obviously homeless... clothes torn and tattered, dirty,) jump out of a dumpster with a bag in his hand, the old man then started digging through the garbage. She asked me what he was doing and I explained to her that not everyone has a warm home or food, and that he was probably looking for something to eat. She quickly replied, "Mom, can we take him food. I don't want anyone to be cold or hungry.")
She is so goofy (always makes me laugh)
She remembers EVERYTHING! (Quick as a whip!)
She loves herself and embraces herself entirely!
To my perfect, most favorite, little girl... Mommy loves you more than you'll ever know... Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet Brenna.