Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cast Free!!!

Today we went in to have Brenna's hand x-rayed to see if she could have the cast removed. On Saturday she jammed her fingers while playing and really hurt her hand. I was assured that because she had a cast on, it couldn't have done any more damage to her broken bone. When they x-rayed her hand this morning I got a quick peek at the picture. I nearly started to cry! It looked as if her broken bone had shifted to the point that it was lodged under the bone next to it... I was freaked out! After the doc got a look at the same pic I saw she said they needed to remove the cast and re x-ray it. So we did and the second set of x-rays looked much better. The doc said that when she jammed her fingers it probably shifted her hand just enough in the cast that it was effecting the way her bone was laying. When the cast was removed it showed that she hadn't re-broken it and in fact she had built up enough new bone that she didn't need to be re-casted! YAHOO! They say we can expect for her to favor that hand for a few days. They showed us some simple exercises to do with her to help with the stiffness from being in a cast. She is to avoid activities such as jumping on furniture or trampolines... basically anything that she can fall and rebrake it... I am pretty sure she is going to listen because this has not been a very fun experience! Oh, and the first thing we did when we got home was wash her arm and hand with anit-bacterial soap and lotioned it up. The amount of dead skin that is coming off is quite nasty!

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