Monday, March 2, 2009

TP Head...

So, Brenna and Sam have recently taken a liking to the disney movie Aladin. Today Brenna comes running out of her room and says "mom you have to see this, hurry!" For those of you who haven't seen the movie, or just haven't seen it in a long time at the beginning of the movie there is the guy who begins to tell you the story... anyway, when I get into her room it is at this part and Brenna blurts out... "can you believe it mom, he is wearing toilet paper on his head!" She was just hysterical! The toilet paper of course is one of those turbin head things... I am not about tell her that, I love that everytime the movie starts she laughs at the toilet paper head!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Toooooo funny. Bet you'll laugh at that one for awhile! :)