Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can you say "TERRIFIED"!!!

So this moring, the kids woke up at about nine after a long night of fireworks and fun... I lazied around until about 10 then decided I had better make some breakfast... Blueberry pancakes were in order by Brenna's request. So as I preprared breakfast, Sam was in and out of the kitchen... trying to get the painting tape, fruit snacks and such... when finally I had it with him, gave him a swat on the bum and sat him in the living room. I walked out of the kitchen for a matter of 2 minutes to use the restroom, and returned to my cooking. Sam was being awfully quiet, so I searched the house for him. As i opened the door to his room, I just saw him shove something in his mouth... when i got closer to him, I saw the open children's tylenol meltaways bottle open and emptied out on his bed. OMG!!!!!! I started freaking out... yelling at him to drop what was in his hands, and to open his mouth... At that point Bill came in and started shoveling what he had in his mouth out, which was only a couple of them. As I sat there counting what he didn't manage to consume of the nearly brand new bottle and realized that he had eaten around 10 to 12 of them. I immediately got on the phone with poison control... in such a panic. I really thought i was going to take my 2 year old in to have his stomach pumped... much to my surprise, poison control told me even if he had consumed 13 of them, it wasn't enought to do any damage, however if he started acting out of it or weird in any way to take him in, otherwise just go about our day normally. Whew.... RElIEF!!! He has been fine today, and actually took a 2 hour nap. Hmmm imagine that. I am so shocked that even got ahold of them number one because there were up on my kitchen counter pushed clear back up against the wall and behind my purse, and I am even more baffled as to how he got the bottle open!!! It is one of the ones where you have to have the errows lined up just right in order to pop the lid open. I think it is time to invest in a locking medacine cabinet!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

YIKES! So glad it wasn't worse Jess. Man, kids are a handful!