Saturday, February 4, 2012

February Photo Day 4: A Stranger

Now I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of a stranger today... Simply because I know I wouldn't be ok with it myself. This little collage has a story to it about one particular stranger who impacted me in a big way today. He gave me a great reminder of how much I have to be thankful for. The house over my head, warm socks on my feet, endless access to my Web addictions, the ability to have food and drink when I so choose, and people who love me... people who would never let me go cold and hungry.

Bill and I sat at KFC tonight, when a man came in asking if there was a shelter near by. Unfortunately, there isn't one in magna. He sat down at a booth alone with a dollar clutched in a white knuckled grip. The longer I sat there across from the man I love, eating a warm meal... My heart became heavier and I found myself holding back tears. Bill looked at me (amazing he knows what I am thinking) and gave me the ok to do what he knew I wanted to do. So I got up and bought that stranger a warm meal of his own. I truly wish I could have done or given more to this man, but I hope that with this simple act of kindness he knows that there are people who care. A stranger that cared so deaply about him and his well being... that tonight I sit here, 2 hours later, still wishing I could have given him more. Feeling a bit guilty that through his poverty I gained so much gratitue for the things I do have. I am so very blessed.


The Circus said...

So at the end there's a typo... you call the guy a pervert instead of poverty. LOL. oops! :)

Jessica T. said...

LOL... fixed! BIG oops!

Jessica T. said...

Guess that's what happens when you rely on the auto spell on your new phone you don't quite understand how to use yet. LOL