Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February Photo Day 6: Dinner

Mondays: The beginning to a crazy full week. This monday was no exception. Normally we have early morning wake up call to get off to school, but this Monday we woke late and were forced to all get ready in the one bathroom downstairs since the floors are off limits.We (Sam and I)then go back home after dropping Brenna off, clean up breakfast mess... then make a lunch mess to feed myself (This DID go as it normally does). Now, on Monday's Sam would normally go to school. Not this monday, this monday was an exception (meetings for teachers or something). An exception that I was not aware of until an hour prior to leaving time (Ugh, sigh). Sam being home only means one thing... MORE WORK FOR ME. So I spent the afternoon entertaining Sam while trying to get household chores done (which were far more extensive considering the construction mess) and get grocery shopping done. Turning out to be an OVERLY BUSY MONDAY for me! Brenna comes home and snack demands begin. DINNER had to be quick and easy, for the day is simply just not close to over and I am overly exhausted. So quick and easy is what we got...

After taking about 5 minutes to scarf down my delicious meal... Brenna and I ran out the door to sign her up for Cyprus High School's Mini-Cheer. She will be performing at the basketball on Friday. Normally she would have tumbling on Monday, but this monday just was normal. Hell, what day is ever normal? I don't think Normal exists in the Tomlin house.

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